JIIE - Junior Initiative IE Consulting

Become part of our vibrant community.


About Us

Help members develop and evolve academically, professionally and personally. Our vision is to create job and network opportunities and to carry out real consulting projects for real companies. To insert the members in a European and Global network, able to enrich their unique experience through the contact with international students from other universities. Create channels of communication and collaboration with companies operating in the consulting field. The way to pursue this ambitious Mission is threefold, through real work experiences, network opportunities and collaboration with firms operating in the consulting field. Junior Enterprises, JEs, are non-profit companies run entirely by university students. They provide services to other companies, corporations, non-profit organizations, entrepreneurs and society as a whole. The projects executed by JEs allow Junior Entrepreneurs to positively impact their clients while applying their knowledge on real problems of the market. Junior Enterprises allow students to understand and experience how jobs are led in specific sectors. In particular, we have structured ourselves as a JE operating in the consulting sector, allowing students to live real experiences in the field, working on real consulting projects with real companies, giving them the opportunity to both exploring the field, for the less experienced ones and to deepen their knowledge of it, for the most experienced ones. As a non-profit company, profits obtained from the projects carried out are forfeited by JE and cannot be distributed to the members . These funds can be used in marketing, training or event organization initiatives, thus strengthening both the responsibility of members and their membership identity. Junior Enterprises forms a global movement Junior Enterprises collaborate worldwide as a network. With support from their national confederations, JEs share knowledge and use common strategies to grow year after year. The presence of this strong network allows to get in touch with realities and students from all over the world, giving the opportunity to carry out international projects in collaboration with JEs from other countries and to take part in events and initiatives at national, European and global level, with European and Worldwide conventions that are organized several times during the year, to give the opportunity to all Junior Entrepreneurs to get to know each other, to network, to create twinning and opportunities to exchange projects and knowledge. All the major universities and business schools in the world have their own JE and are very keen to show it, and many opportunities for exchange between universities often start from JEs. JE creates long-lasting and stable partnerships with the main companies operating in the sector of interest of the JE, thus creating a preferential channel of communication between students and companies, which gives rise to networking opportunities, events, training and internships.









Members Benefits

Membership benefits include (define your member benefits under group settings)

Events & Activities

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Exclusive Resources

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, mel graeco dicunt id, ex pro hendrerit definitiones, vix ea ancillae abhorreant deterruisset. Et enim magna molestiae vim.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, mel graeco dicunt id, ex pro hendrerit definitiones, vix ea ancillae abhorreant deterruisset. Et enim magna molestiae vim.

Our Team

Maxim Khodzhaev Profile

Maxim Khodzhaev

Head of Human Resources
Lena Tamer Mostafa Mahmoud Sabet Profile

Lena Tamer Mostafa Mahmoud Sabet

Head of Marketing
Iona Angelika Steger Profile

Iona Angelika Steger

Head of Legal
Vivianna Katharina Maria Olbort Profile

Vivianna Katharina Maria Olbort

Head of Business Development
Fabian Laurenz Hess Profile

Fabian Laurenz Hess


E: jiieconsulting@gmail.com

JIIE - Junior Initiative IE Consulting

Calle María de Molina, 11
Madrid 28006