IE Student Clubs - Diversity & Inclusion
Website Mission Membership Benefits
Contact: Amy Chemutai Wambui Ngeno, Email group officers
Mission The IE Africa Club is a culmination of both African and non-African students who have seen it fit to create awareness of the African continent, its rich culture and the myriad of opportunities that the continent offers.Our vision: To promote Africa as a continent of opportunity, demystify myths about the continent and act as a link between Africa and the rest of the world particularly in academia and business.
Membership BenefitsCLUB ACTIVITIESClub FairsThe Annual IE Africa Day eventParticipation in Global VillageThe Africa Day event is an annual platform where experts from the African continent or have experience in Africa are invited to speak about an area of expertise to a diverse audience. The audience is usually made up of faculty, IE students, embassy guests, business representatives and other external guests.
IE Africa Club MIX has a total of 918 points.
Lifetime membership