IE Student Clubs - Community
Website Mission Membership Benefits
Contact: Tomás Lucero Domínguez, Email group officers
Mission We are a group of students committed to our community and who wish to be agents of change. We believe that ideas and actions come hand-by-hand. Therefore, our efforts to tackle these questions are both passive and active. First, we raise consciousness among the IE Community through Social Media. Second, we carry out activities and campaigns that target those issues.
Membership BenefitsFirst, the Charity Club provides the opportunity to be part of something greater. We are a community of students who serve with nobility and passion. We offer you a spot.Second, our Society allows busy students to volunteer once a month. It is an opportunity for those with a full schedule and don't find time to volunteer. This way, we offer events whose volunteer commitment is specific to that day.Third, Members can benefit from our Social Media by learning and keeping up with relevant social matters.
IE Charity Club has a total of 1027 points.
Lifetime membership