IEU Student Clubs - Sports & Wellbeing
Website Mission
Contact: Fergus Condon, Email group officers
Mission A partnership between IE University and the local rugby club in Segovia, RAC Lobos. The club aims to involve athletes and students alike with the local rugby club in Segovia and allow them to play at a competitive level during their time at IE Segovia. It also invites new players to the game and gives them an opportunity to try out rugby.Training Schedule:Wednesday and Friday: 9:00pm - 11:00pm @Campo José Antonio Minguela (Close to Dreamfit)Officer Contacts:Greg - Gjauffret.ieu2023@student.ie.eduHugo - hgrasa.ieu2023@student.ie.eduPedro - palmeida.ieu2023@student.ie.eduFergus - fcondon.ieu2023@student.ie.eduInstagram @ie_rugbyclubsc@raclobos
Membership Benefits
IE Rugby Club SC has a total of 84 points.
Lifetime membership