IEU Student Clubs - Sustainability
Website Mission
Contact: Email group officers
Mission We are a group of university students who aim to contribute directly to the achievement of the 17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals via three main pillars:PILLAR I - RAISING AWARENESSEnsuring a long-term impactWe organise events and social media campaigns on pressing issues related to sustainability. This year we have tackled topics such as sustainable tourism, social innovation to combat poverty or sustainable finance.PILLAR II - VOLUNTEERING & FUNDRAISINGProactively contributing to current causesOur time and our resources are the most valuable tools with which we can support the efforts of multilateral organisations and NGOs which are fighting towards the 17 SDGs by providing humanitarian assistance, advocating for human rights and giving access to education and equal opportunities.PILLAR III - POLICY MAKINGWe want to provide a platform for discussion and proposal of innovative solutions by students which will lead those changes in the future and implement the necessary reforms. Members of the club enjoy a unique learning experience and get to meet influential people in the field, for instance in our "UN Speaker Series".We want to advocate for sustainable development and build a bridge between students which are passionate about the 17 SDGs and the actors which are implementing them from both the public and private sectors. In this way, we hope to make a long-lasting impact which will be reflected in future generations.
Membership Benefits
IE SDGs Club SC has a total of 747 points.
Parent group: IE Student Sustainability Committee
Lifetime membership