Tove Film Screening + Q & A with Cristina Nualart
Private Location (sign in to display)
This film is the Finnish Oscar nominee.
This gripping biopic tells the story of Tove Jansson, the visual artist and illustrator who created the world-famous Moomins, the characters that populate many a cherished childhood memory. As a young woman, Tove navigated the tensions between family expectations, social tolerance, and creative success.
The film screening will be introduced by IE professor and art historian Cristina Nualart, who will relate Tove’s life to the historical context of modernity, and the many social changes that impacted on women and artists in particular.
The screening of this enthralling movie will be followed by an open discussion on gender and art, and any other questions that this rich film provokes.
Hosted By
Co-hosted with: IE School of Humanities
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