Cyanotype (The art of science)
Private Location (sign in to display)
Registration is now closed (this event already took place).
"Just as new scientific discoveries have brought us back to the wisdom of the humanities, the mindset of infusing meaning into everything we do are the lessons I learned from ancient cultures and practices when I was a young girl"
Emily Esfahani, The Power Of Meaning
Workshop of introduction to cyanotype on different supports (book pages, canvas...) and color shifts: the magical intertwining of Science and Art.
The photograms are obtained by exposing them to light on photosensitive paper and then developing and fixing the image with the corresponding chemicals.
The whole process is carried out in a darkroom illuminated with red light, obtaining impressive results, where the contrast of blacks and whites contrast takes center stage.
Afternoon Session 16h-18h
Materials provided.
Juan Ferrete is Industrial engineer, teacher, entrepreneur, writer and visual artist, he is an extraordinary individual you ought meeting whether you aim giving meaning to your life.
Hosted By
Co-hosted with: IE Photo Club
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