22-23' Opening Event
Friendly warning: this is not about a new age archetype kind of thing but rather 2022-2023 IE Creativity Center's programne of actions tailored-made for your getting to know extraordinary individuals, having fun while entering innovative avenues for personal & professional transformation by means of Arts, Humanities and Self-Awareness Methodologies.
Since you may not know who we are yet you have two options here: 1) ask those who farewelled with us in May 2022 so they can tell you what's this about, or 2) come to our Opening Doors evening.
Plan is:
- 12th September Clubs Fair in campus
- 13th September Opening Doors evening at IE Creativity Center (Segovia headquarters are located inside Casa de la Moneda; Tower's in Launchpad -4 floor)
Get inspired, get transformed, feel the power of change inside & out.
Past Events
7:00 PM – 9:00 PM
Are you Creativity?
Creativity is generally believed to be something external and attainable but, in fact, we as humans are first and foremost creation. We are creativity from the moment we exist since we come into being out of an incomparable change.
Naturally, the course of our life comes with layers (cultural, personal, conscious, unconscious) which, although protective, are overlapping and may eventually dull our inner essence.
This seminar will be a resource at IE intended to helping you understanding who you are, what is the meaning of our life, what are our barriers, how we can get rid of them when we need to.
In essence, you will develop your maximum potential to connect with what we really are: light, change, primal creativity.
Launch with brief intro on 13th September at IE Creativity Center's Segovia headquarters.
6:00 PM – 9:00 PM
This is not a course to generate art works but intended to use art as an avenue to uncover skills for both professional & personal transformation.
Lead by a profound artist, notions on inner-capacities, self-growth, self-actualization, fear not to challenges, community spirit, language barriers, identity and the embracement of transcendence are core in this fun, unique IE Arts Community.
Hosted by IE Creativity Center's Segovia headquarters weekly in collaboration with IE Arts Club.
6:00 PM – 9:00 PM
Independently from what you study, there is always Art.
Short stories & essays will be developed. Every participant will have a short story and a consisten essay written at the end of this seminar in May 2023.
The seminar is also intended to enhance university's assigments though please bear in mind these will merely be encounters for creative freedom.
Just so you know, the seminar will be taught by someone who not only has mentored talents like Valeria Luiselli, but has shared friendship and broadly met authors such as Salman Rushdie, Octavio Paz, Juan Rulfo or Paul Auster.
Storytelling is a coherent story of ourselves: we are the authors of our days, and every day, we are able to rewrite and interpret our story the way we decide.
Writing does not only give us perspective of our own circumstances, life tests and dreams, but it is actually reliably applicable to university’s writing assignments too.
Last but not least, one of the most captivating writers of recent times will be teaching it (in English) but you will solely understand his mesmerizing power by meeting him in person.
First chance on 13th September at IE Creativity Center's Segovia headquarters.
6:00 PM – 9:00 PM
Music is “the universal language of mankind”.
This is to say we might not always understand one another regardless of our language or background. However, when it comes to music, potential culture barriers are set aside leaving room to mutual understanding.
This seminar is originally designed for musicians though it broadly welcomes individuals with interest in music/events production, artworks design, communications, IT...,
It is also totally open to both clubs members/not, and prepares participants to firstly take part in #SegoJazz22 to then understand who is ready to produce original songs with the lead of an international musical producer.
We have recently opened an IE Spotify Account: who would like to be next featured out of your original songs?
First chance to sign up and jam on 13th September at IE Creativity Center's Segovia headquarters.
6:00 PM – 9:00 PM
The art of performing is pure purpose, and it awakens sense of belonging.
Performances takes stress off, while taking turns in directing, writing, or acting means that everyone faces adaptation, shares equal responsibility, learns skills to gain experience and confidence without leaving behind the fun factor theatre is all about.
Lead by an internationally renowned film, photography and theatre specialist there will be regular Improv classes, everyone interested in Theatre is more than welcome.
First draft on 13th September at IE Creativity Center's Segovia headquarters.
Hosted By
Co-hosted with: IEU Student Government, IE Campus Life
Contact the organizers