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PODCAST SERIES                                   WITH IE TOP THINKERS

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El arte de renacer

We are delighted to have welcomed César Romera, Executive MBA from IE University, back to his alma mater for the presentation of his new book, "El arte de renacer". The event began with opening remarks by Lee Newman, Dean of IE Business School, followed by César’s insightful talk on activating physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual intelligences for a fulfilling life.

A dynamic panel, moderated by Lisa Bevill, Academic Director of the IE Center for Health and Well-being, featured Samantha Vallejo-Nágera, entrepreneur and "MasterChef" jury member; Teresa Viejo, author and President of Fundación Diversidad; Amagoya Eizaguirre, psychologist and top influencer; and Fernando Vega de Seoane, motivational and community speaker.

Creative Crossroads: "The future Designer"

This week, we hosted Michael Leube, adjunct professor of IE University, to present his book "The Future Designer". Through a dynamic fishbowl discussion led by Romina Canna, they explored how anthropology and cognitive science can reshape design for sustainability. Guests engaged in a vibrant dialogue on pro-social design and its impact on society and the environment.

In collaboration with the School of Architecture & Design

El ocaso del capitalismo

We welcomed German journalist and economist Ulrike Herrmann at IE Tower for a discussion with Michael Becher, IE University Professor of Political Science, to delved into Herrmann’s bestselling book "El Ocaso del Capitalismo", which critiques “green growth” and advocates for “green shrinking” to address the environmental crisis.

In collaboration with Goethe Institut and IE SPEGA.

Positive change unleashed

IE University proudly hosted an inspiring event with Concepción Galdón, Vice Dean for Business with Purpose at IE Business School, and Dr. Sheila Cannon, Assistant Professor at Trinity Business School, co-authors of "Promise, Pitfalls, and Potential of Social Entrepreneurship". The evening featured TED-style talks by social entrepreneurs Javier Pita and João Magalhães, followed by a panel moderated by journalist Gonzalo Fanjul.

China para los nuevos bárbaros

Encuentro muy especial en IE University con motivo de la presentación de China para los nuevos bárbaros, el último libro y primer ensayo de José Félix Valdivieso, director del Centro de China y jefe de gabinete para el presidente en IE University, junto a los expertos Ángel Alonso, vicedecano de la School of Politics, Economics & Global Affairs en IE University, y Mariola Moncada Durruti, experta en historia china contemporánea

The Age of E-Sports

As part of the International Book Day, IE University welcomed with great enthusiasm a collaboration with Feria del Libro de Madrid organizing an event around sports and AI, with Santiago Íñiguez, president of IE University and Eva Orúe, director of Feria del Libro de Madrid, along with sports experts Eduardo Fernández-Cantelli, Miguel Ángel Paniagua and José Manuel Puertas.

Revisting Pompeii

IE Editorial, in collaboration with IE School of Humanities, organized a unique two-part event framed within the Madrid citywide celebration of La Noche de los Libros: an enriching debate held by the students of the IE Archaeology & History Club and the IE Improv Club with Rubén Montoya, adjunct professor & author of Pompeya: una ciudad romana en 100 objetos and a later visit to the immersive experience about the last days of Pompeii in Matadero de Madrid.

Poetry Reading and Open Mic Session

IE Editorial, as part of the Arts & Humanities Week, organized a poetry reading and open mic session around Besos de otros mundos, by José Félix Valdivieso, chairman of the IE China Center and chief of staff of IE's president, where we discovered the lethal power of kisses.

In collaboration with IE School of Humanities.

Pensadoras y visionarias

"Hace falta que en las aulas haya referentes femeninos con quienes las alumnas se puedan identificar".

Evento de presentación de Pensadoras y visionarias, libro de Santiago Íñiguez, presidente de IE University, moderado por Sandra Golpe, presentadora de Antena 3 Noticias, y con la participación de Elena Salgado, presidenta de la Fundación Abertis, María Benjumea, fundadora del South Summit, y Mar Hurtado de Mendoza, VP de Globlal Recruiment & Marketing y chair de IE Women's Unit en IE University.

Descubre más sobre el libro en la entrevista de Santiago Íñiguez para Capital Radio.

Poetry Reading and Haiku Writing Workshop

Extraordinary experience at the poetry reading and writing workshop we have organized to celebrate the 4th anniversary of the Purple Corner in collaboration with IE Women & Allies and IEU Library.

Poet and Admissions Advisor, Lucía Bleusvet, has inspired us with her poetry book Eclosión to create poems of our own that we will keep forever as a memory of this wonderful event.

Los métodos de interpretación del Tribunal de Justicia de la Unión Europea

Un encuentro con Koen Lenaerts, presidente del Tribunal de Justicia de la Unión Europea y autor del libro Los métodos de interpretación del Tribunal de Justicia de la Unión Europea, junto a José Antonio Gutierrez-Fons, letrado del Tribunal de Justicia de la Unión Europea.

El evento fue organizado desde el Centro de Estudios Europeos de IE Law School, en colaboración con IE Editorial.

IE Global Village 2023

Congratulations to IE Campus Life and to all our international students for another wonderful edition of the IE Global Village Day, where we had the pleasure to celebrate diversity and share knowledge with the participants of a raffle who were lucky enough to take home some fantastic books from our authors.


A pannel discussion introduced by Lee Newman, Dean of IE Business School, and inspired by Shelf-Confidence, the lastest book of Daniel Corsten, Professor of IE University, and Thomas W. Gruen, Professor at the University of New Hampshire.

During the event, the authors and CEOs of retail companies such as Makro and Tendam explained how to manage out-of-stocks and enhace product availability.

Discover more about the authors here.

Why did you write this book? | Shelf-Confidence | IE Editorial Knowledge

101 historias de innovación

“Has there ever been a time when there is a better case for innovation than now?”

Un debate ágil y ameno introducido por Lee Newman, decano de IE Business School, con CEOs y expertos y líderes en innovación de IBEX35 y de empresas globales como Airbus, LaLiga, Amazon, Sacyr y Repsol, alrededor de 101 historias de innovación, el último libro de Daniel Medina, profesor de IE Business School, y Cristian Ull, ambos cofundadores de Area101

Descubre más sobre los autores aquí:

101 Historias de Innovación |IE Editorial Knowledge Series

The Lighthouse Impact

“Life is much more about the tiniest moments that affect each other in small ways, and, in that sense, we are all lighthouses for everyone in our lives.”

This is one of the multiple inspirational ideas that were shared in an event, part of La Noche de los Libros, where we celebrated literature and the World Book Day.

Rohini Anand, renowned international leader and author of Leading Global Diversity, Equity and Inclusion talked about her knowledge and experience regarding culture change within a company.

During an open mic, students and attendees shared poems, experiences and songs that illuminated and guided their lives.

World Book Day | The Lighthouse Impact | IE Editorial

Todo vuelve a cambiar

“Todo vuelve a cambiar porque hay una conjunción de tecnologías que hace que todo evolucione, desde el dinero hasta la forma en la que gestionamos nuestro trabajo”.

De esta manera respondió Enrique Dans a una de las cuestiones tratadas en un talk show inspirado en su último libro Todo vuelve a cambiar.

Enrique auguró el impacto que tendrán las herramientas que funcionan con Inteligencia Artificial como, por ejemplo, el Chat GPT, así como la nueva Web 3.0, el Metaverso o las criptomonedas.

Mercados financieros: El driver del beneficio económico

“¿Hay que ser un maquiavélico para ganar dinero?”

Con este interrogante se dio inicio a una sesión inspirada en el libro Cómo entender y utilizar los mercados financieros, el último libro de Tomás Alfaro Drake.

Durante una interesante conversación, el autor, junto con Fernando Barnuevo, trató temas cruciales para comprender las bases de las finanzas.

Aplicación judicial del Derecho de la competencia

“El private enforcement es el canto del cisne del Derecho de la competencia”.

Esta es una de las principales ideas que surgieron durante un debate sobre la desventaja del derecho de la competencia ante el derecho procesal y la descartelización de la industria como consecuencia de la evolución del Derecho de la competencia, organizado por IE Center for European Studies y IE Editorial.

Professor Hanaa Feminism and Literature Lecture

“Is it possible for a woman to become independent without losing something in the way?”

This is one of the many questions that laureate author Dr. Reem Bassiouney’s book “Professor Hanaa” raised during a session where she stressed the importance of fighting opression and gaining freedom and independence through writing.

Podcast: Desarrolla tu perfil a prueba de futuro

“Estamos biológicamente diseñados para aprender”, con esta idea dio inicio el segundo capítulo de los IE Editorial Podcast Series, basado en el libro Upgrade.

Durante la sesión, sus autores, David Alayón y Mónica Quintana, junto con Ion Cuevas-Mons, autor del podcast Intercambio Iónico, resaltaron la importancia de “proyectar nuestro futuro, saber dónde nos encontramos en el presente y así, trazar una ruta de aprendizaje que nos permita vivir de una manera más feliz, convirtiéndonos en un agente de cambio positivo”.

PODCAST | Desarrolla tu perfil a prueba de futuro | Upgrade | IE Editorial

Philosophy Inc.: Applying Wisdom to Everyday Management

“Management is philosophy in action” is the idea that represents the motto of Santiago Íñiguez’s latest book, “Philosophy Inc.”

During the magnificent presentation that took place in IE Tower, Santiago Íñiguez, President of IE University, discussed the importance of considering the values and principles behind every decision a manager has to make, as well as the impact of Artificial Intelligence in knowledge and education.

Philosophy Inc.: Applying Wisdom to Everyday Management | Santiago Íñiguez | IE Tower

Words in the Storm

A poetry reading and open mic session around Professor Álvaro Navarro de Andrés’ lates book, "Words in the Storm", where students and participants enjoyed the opportunity to read some of Álvaro’s poems.

Vladimir Monakhov, member of the IE Music Club, delivered a masterful piano session.

Authentic Confidence

Exceptional workshop where Prof. dr. Nick van Dam gave an engaging presentation about the importance of posing challenges to ourselves in order to learn how to be confident out of our comfort zone and how to make the most out of uncertain situations in order to upskill and reskill.

Data 2023: Technology, Privacy & Business

An event where a group of experts discussed about the importance of women talent in data business, how to build a responsible Metaverse, the relevance of AI legislation, the integration of digital and business data and the several functionalities of Google Analytics.

Data 2023: Techonolgy, Privacy & Business | IE Editorial

Sovereign Wealth Funds

An event about the multiple definitions of sovering wealth funds, the increasing number of these type of funds in multiple countries, how they came to the front page and what is their role in nowadays economy.

El encuentro de cuatro imperios

Un evento donde aprendimos las aportaciones de españoles, aztecas, incas y mayas al management y liderazgo actuales.

El coro de mujeres mexicana, Yolotlis, ofreció un recital en lenguas indígenas.

El encuentro de cuatro imperios | IE Editorial

Podcast: Estoicismo para CEOs

Descubre cómo aplicar el estoicismo al management actual y a tu vida personal.

PODCAST TRAILER | Estoicismo Para CEOs | IE Editorial

PODCAST | Estoicismo para CEOs | IE Editorial

Better You, Better World

A unique event to help you define, refine, and align your personal and professional purposes with your chosen goals.

Francisco Palao,  internationally renowned and awarded entrepreneur, provided an inspirational keynote and workshop based on his last book, Positive Impact.

Better You, Better World | A journey to reach the best version of yourself

Why do you recommed reading this book? | Francisco Palao

Desafía el status quo

¿Crees que tiene un gran potencial pero no sabes cómo expresarlo? ¿Necesitas un impulso para emprender el vuelo?

Adriana Arismendi te ofrece las claves para convertirte en un auténtico líder irreverente.

Your Boss Is an Algorithm

A fascinating roundtable, part of the IE Lawtomation Conferences, where top experts discussed the role and challenges of digital transformation in the workplace.

Los retos del Derecho de la Unión Europea en un mundo incierto

¿Cómo podemos hacer frente a los retos de una Unión Europea cada vez más inestable? ¿Qué técnicas y métodos debemos aplicar para lidiar con una crisis venidera?

Q&A. 366 Nudges to Move Your Life Forward

Steven MacGregor, Honorary Professor of Health and Wellbeing at the Glasgow School of Arts and Adjunct Professor at IE University, provides daily resets in his new book "The Daily Reset: 366 nudges to move your life forward".

Each of these daily resets grant us the opportunity to start fresh, to make positive changes to our behavior, to move forward.

1st IE Forest Bathing & Creative Writing Workshop

Leyenda Negra: 500 años de "fake news"

El autor y profesor de IE University, Enrique Sueiro, demonstró el alcance de las mentiras creíbles y las verdades exageradas a lo largo de la historia de España.

Going Digital: Discover what it takes to make Powerful Change happen.

Going Digital | IE Editorial Knowledge

3 takeaways from the book | Balvinder Singh Powar & Lyndsey Jones

Cuando los votantes pierden la paciencia

3 aprendizajes del libro | Rafael Pampillón

Origen del libro | Rafael Pampillón

Transformación hacia la sostenibilidad

¿Qué es la sostenibilidad? ¿Qué tiene que ver con el derecho, la economía y las empresas? ¿Qué diferencias hay entre compliance y sostenibilidad?

Workshop. ¿Cómo evitar los “walking dead”?

Puede que sepas cuáles son tus fortalezas, pero ¿las estás usando bien? ¿Les estás sacando todo su potencial? ¿Sabes cómo evitar los extremos que te dañan?

Eva Herber, psicóloga clínica y profesora de IE, nos presentó las aplicaciones del modelo ABCDE.

Activa tus fortalezas con Eva Katharina Herber


Workshop. RRetos HHumanos

Workshop RRETOS HHUMANOS | IE TOWER | IE Editorial Knowledge

RRetos HHumanos | Rosa Allegue

Anatomía de la comunicación

Evento interactivo, divertido y ameno que nos permitió entender mejor tu personalidad, tú estilo de comunicación y cómo relacionarte mejor con los demás.