Peer support exists informally in many forms. It's natural for us to share our experiences, good and bad, with the people close to us; to listen to and empathize with others, who in turn listen to and empathize with us. In some circumstances, however, we may feel that we do not have someone close at hand whom we trust and feel comfortable speaking to, or even feel that perhaps such a person may not understand or relate to the specific difficult times we are experiencing.
Starting a new life at university is a challenge for everyone, but may affect some students more than others. Being removed from familiar surroundings and relationships with trusted friends and family members can, for some, make tough times seem even harder to face. But no one should feel that they must face these challenges alone.

Attendance is voluntary and covered by a comprehensive confidentiality policy, protecting anonymity outside of the group for those who choose to attend. Our student Facilitators receive comprehensive training prior to leading group meetings, and receive on-going support from staff and a clinical professional.
This initiative is comes to you from Student Minds UK, the UK's student mental health charity, and IEU Counseling. We invite you to explore these links to learn more.