IE University | Groups


The IE Venture Capital & Private Equity club enables members of the IE community who are interested in private equity and venture capital to connect with industry, deepen their knowledge of investment trends, network with like-minded people or pursue a career in the field.

The club is based on four principles:

  1.  Awareness: Create awareness of the club inside IE Business School to offer interested students the possibility to engage in private equity   and venture capital and externally to pave the way for building relationships in the industry.
  2. Partnership: Build a strong network to ensure regular interaction with industry professionals from consulting, private equity and venture capital firms as well as associations, other finance clubs, business schools and event organizations.
  3. Education: Offer career consulting, information on industry trends, interview preparation and workshops to acquire relevant technical skills.
  4. Networking: Bring together ambitious students and alumni with a strong interest in private equity and venture capital to interact on a regular basis and to benefit from the long-term relationships.