From: Gonzalo Llanes
Date: January 26, 2022
Subject: Newsletter - IE Well-Being Center Jan 26.01.2022



January 26th, 2022




Charity Run - Join the IE Team!

The Charity Run "Corre por los Huérfanos de la Violencia de Género" (Run to support the Orphans of Gender-Based Violence) will be taking place on Sunday February 20th at 9am in the heart of Madrid. Join the IE team to train, participate and help raise funds for the Scholarship Fund Soledad Cazorla - Fundación Mujeres. Adjunct professor of Vitality, Daniela Hervella, will be leading us, offering tips and conducting 2 trainings before the day of the race.
Participants will receive a free session to the Tower's pool, courtesy of the Athletic Center!

Learn more and register

Workshop by the Center's Student Leadership Board

Join us today to learn more about how to create and keep new healthy habits around our 3 pillars: Mind, Body & Soul! We will also cover the resources, courses and upcoming events offered by the IE Well-Being Center to support you in your journey to enhance your well-being.


Speaker Series: Dr. Georgette Daoud de Daoud

Join us for a hybrid session with renowned gastroenterologist and pediatric nutrition expert, Dr. Georgette Daoud de Daoud, on the impact that nutrition and environmental factors have on our health. She will discuss the role that two groundbreaking pillars have in healthy nutrition: epigenetics and the human microbiome.



Get on track with New Year's Resolutions and Healthy Habits!

Book a class

IEU Golf Tournament 2022
Open to both Segovia and Madrid!
Transportation and further information TBD. 

Sun, Jan 30, 2022

10 AM – 3 PM



Part 2: Breaking Down Barriers and Building Bridges between those with and without Disabilities

Nicole Vergos and Nick Smit are the founders of Smergos - a social movement and enterprise dedicated to breaking down barriers and building bridges between those with and without disabilities.


This episode is dedicated to exploring the student/client collaboration with Laura Ortega and Enrique Garcia as guests. 

Listen on Spotify


From the Sustainability Office and the Talent Management Department, we would like to explore the level of interest of the IE community in participating in volunteer activities offered through the university. For this reason, we would like to ask you for just a few moments of your time to respond to the two questions in the following link.

Depending on the information we receive, we will update all of you with regard to the possible initiatives.



The IE Yes Theory Club invites you to come face to face with your fears by penning them down on a shared wall that reminds us that we are not alone!

"We all have fears that we sometimes suppress and deny, but what's important is that - this year we say YES to our fears and work on conquering them"

Participate at the Segovia Campus this week!

Learn more


Eating to Extinction: The World's Rarest Foods and Why We Need to Save Them
Book by Dan Saladino

Over the past several decades, globalization has homogenized what we eat, and done so ruthlessly. The numbers are stark: Of the roughly six thousand different plants once consumed by human beings, only nine remain major staples today. Just three of these—rice, wheat, and corn—now provide fifty percent of all our calories.
Recommended by Soizic Belliard.

Read more

Do schools kill creativity?
Ted Talk by Sir Ken Robinson

Sir Ken Robinson makes an entertaining and profoundly moving case for creating an education system that nurtures (rather than undermines) creativity. He tells the story of Gillian Lynn, and her allegedly learning disorders when whe was in school. She later became a dancer, choreographer, actress, and theatre-television director, noted for her theatre choreography associated with two of the longest-running shows in Broadway history, Cats and The Phantom of the Opera. 
Recommended by Adjunct Professor, Rodrigo Aguirre de Cárcer

Watch Ted Talk
Do schools kill creativity? | Sir Ken Robinson

Do you suffer from decision fatigue?
NY Times 

This article reunited some of the most relevant research conclusions on ego depletion, which include studies on how it affects the decisions by judges, why important decisions should be made early in the day, and why glucose is an unexpected aid against the impact of ego depletion. Remember, self-control is a fluctuating and exhaustible resource, that’s why, social psychologist Roy Baumeister says that people with the best self-control are the ones who structure their lives so as to conserve willpower.
Recommended by Gonzalo Llanes, Program Coordinator.

Read more


Thích Nhất Hạnh - Where to Start
Victoria Fontana, Multidisciplinary Adjunct Professor

"Thich Nhat Hanh was a Zen Buddhist master and bestselling author who wrote many books on how to live life in peace. He has sold millions of copies around the world and has a simple and uplifting way of conveying complex topics. His work is interesting for anyone wanting to learn more about mindfulness or the art of living well. Despite his religious affiliation, his works are accessible to people of all faiths and belief systems, usually focusing more on human behavior and our natural ability to be present and attentive to our daily experience." Just about any book you pick up by Thich Nhat Hanh is a gem. Here are three that I recommend: "Peace is Every Step", "You Are Here: Discovering the Magic of the Present Moment", and "The Art of Living"


Thích Nhất Hạnh obituary
The Guardian

Through developing a movement to promote it in the west as well as in Asia, he did much to bring the practice of mindfulness into the social mainstream, by emphasising that a contemplative attitude could inform every moment of the day, not just those devoted to explicit meditation.

Recommended by Adjunct Professor Amélie de Marsily

Read more

4 Elements of True Love

Four Elements of True Love | Thich Nhat Hanh (short teaching video)

Wisdom of non-discrimination

Thich Nhat Hanh: "My Two Hands" - the wisdom of non-discrimination

Dealing with Strong Emotions

How To Deal with Strong Emotions | Thich Nhat Hanh (short teaching video)


Have a great recommendation to share? Send it along with a comment to