From: Gonzalo Llanes
Date: January 12, 2022
Subject: Newsletter - IE Well-Being Center Jan 12.01.2021



January 12th, 2021



Monthly Theme:

In January 2022, Healthy Habits = Good Vibes

Positive Emotions are a key driver for flourishing. Taking advantage of the new year, new term and beginning to many masters, we want to promote positive vibes as a way to get the year started well, to ward off the the post holiday season blues, and also promote the importance of habit-creation to stay on track with our intentions. We appreciate that students can struggle to find balance and we want to support our community in creating healthy habits around nutrition, sleep and exercise and how taking care of one self, and one another, feels good and can have a positive impact on our lives and community!


Extracurricular Courses for Master's Students

Master's students can enroll until Jan 18th in the extracurricular courses offered by the Center in January and February 2022. Check the schedule and courses!

Courses offered:

• Nutrition for Optimal Brain Performance

•  Building Successful Relationships through Kindness, Empathy & Compassion

•  Building Resilience in Times of Change

•  High-Performance Attention for a more meaningful use of your time

•  Mastering your Mind in the Digital Era 


Speaker Series: Dr. Georgette Daoud de Daoud

In this lecture, Dr. Georgette Daoud de Daoud will review the impact that nutrition and environmental factors have on our health and discuss the following topics 1) why nutrition is important for our health, 2) which nutrients should we consume, 3) how to cook our food and 4) what happens to our health if our nutrition is not adequate. To understand these topics, we will discuss the role that two groundbreaking pillars have in healthy nutrition: epigenetics and the human microbiome. Join us F2F or via Zoom.



Opening of the Swimming Pool 

Have you visited the swimming pool at the IE Tower yet? It's now open for you! Grab your bathing suit and swim some laps every Monday to Friday from 7:45 to 22:00. 

Book a spot

Fitness Schedule for the Week of the 17th-21st



IEU Counseling is offering you a practical opportunity to boost your skills in supporting a friend or classmate in need of support. This F2F workshop suggests ways to support that friend, including how to initiate a meaningful conversation and direct them to the appropriate resources or services on/off-campus if necessary.
Register on IE Connects, or contact with any questions. Designed by Student Minds. 

*Only for Undergraduate students



Breaking Down Barriers and Building Bridges between those with and without Disabilities

Nicole Vergos and Nick Smit are the founders of Smergos - a social movement and enterprise dedicated to breaking down barriers and building bridges between those with and without disabilities.


The next two episodes aim to 1) introduce Smergo's story and work towards resetting our species 2) explore the students/client collaboration

Listen on Spotify


What Educators Want to Learn and Change in 2022
Harvard Business Publishing (Education)

"At the start of each new year, I ask: How can I challenge myself to be kinder and to act with selfcompassion in order to be my best? And, in doing so, how can I connect with my community in a way that helps others on their journey?" - My intention for 2022!

Co-authored by Lisa Bevill, Academic Director of the IE Center for Health, Well-Being & Happiness

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Breath: The New Science of a Lost Art 
Book by James Nestor

Breathing is an essential part of human life and it turns out we are doing it wrong. Interesting book on the importance of learning to breathe well for our health and well-being. We are seeing an increase in respiratory diseases: asthma, bronchitis, sleep apnea, snoring... breathing correctly can help us to avoid it. In addition, learning to breathe with a mask on, always through the nose, can prevent us from developing dental caries. In the final section, breathing techniques are suggested.

Recommended by Adjunct Professor Silvia Centeno

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Why 2022 Is The Year To Begin Your Journal

“Scientists like Isaac Newton and Charles Darwin, politicians like Benjamin Franklin and Winston Churchill, artists like Leonardo Da Vinci and Ernest Hemingway, and historical figures like Marcus Aurelius and Abraham Lincoln all spent considerable time writing to no one but themselves. They understood that the deliberate practice of writing had significant benefits to their creativity, self-awareness, memory, productivity and wellbeing.”

Recommended by Gonzalo Llanes, Program Coordinator.

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We all have goals… Yet, most of us struggle to achieve our goals. A Commitment Contract is a binding agreement you sign with yourself to ensure that you follow through with your intentions—and it does this by utilizing the psychological power of loss aversion and accountability to drive behavior change.

Recommended by Lee Newman, Dean at IE Business School

Learn More

Self-Compassion Quiz

Self-compassion is when you treat yourself with kindness and understanding, acknowledging your feelings and recognizing that everyone struggles sometimes. In addition to reducing stress, studies find that self-compassion enhances motivation and makes you more likely to accomplish your goals.

How self-compassionate are you? This quiz is designed to help you find out.

Recommended by Sereen Obeidat, IE University student

Take Quiz


Have a great recommendation to share? Send it along with a comment to