Creativity Day 2022: Mind The Balance

by IE Creativity Center

On Campus Arts & humanities

Wed, Mar 16, 2022

12 PM – 9 PM (GMT+1)

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March 16th 2022, 12h-21h
Core event: IE Creativity Center Segovia headquarters.
Additional actions will take place in the Tower. 

An event (matter-course a mindset) that will change your inner self positively, though this is not about happiness but about creativity and the meaning of our life.

- Living according to your potential
- Deal with expectations, understand opportunities, overcome uncertainty 
- Having an actively worthy life
- Guided by purpose
- Contributing to society
- Committed in your community
- Being able to redefine your identity anytime/many times 
- Counting on Humanities’ wisdom 

Want to know more? 

IE Creativity Day 2022:
Mind the Balance


According to philosopher, psychologist and writer Emily Esfahani, the pursuit of happiness makes us unhappy, so she proposes an alternative to happiness: meaning in life - a feeling, in the end, more pleasurable and lasting.

In recent decades, indicators of emotional maladjustment have risen, not so much because of a lack of happiness but because of a lack of meaning in life. Individualism, secularity (public life not linked to religion), and the increasing devaluation of community life are representative aspects of our current times, and undoubtedly facilitators of these levels.

The keys that give meaning to life:

- Belonging (feeling valued for who you are) and relationships with others (abandoning our individualism).

- The purpose in life: what guides it, what makes it contribute to others.

- A coherent story about ourselves: being the authors of our stories and always being able to edit/modify/reinterpret our life.

- Transcendence: moments when you feel above the daily grind of life - something sublime, captivating, often also collective.

Let us do something not just that makes us happy, but that facilitates (or provokes) our sense of life, and thus allows us to move forward. Creativity is a divergent way of thinking and/or acting, a force that does not necessarily make us happy, but always gives a meaning to what we do as it brings about a positive change in our lives.

We propose IE Creativity Day 2022 as an alignment, research and celebration of Emily Esfahani's postulates for their timeliness, impact and wealth of possibilities when it comes to creating a programme of activities and motivating the community to participate.


Past Events

Wed, Mar 16, 2022
11:00 AM – 1:00 PM
Private Location (sign in to display)
A Live Painting Community: Creative Tower

Over time, as a result of various studies, specialists began to examine and affirm the vital importance of attachment in the stages of life. They discovered that people, both young and old, needed more than food and shelter to live fully.

Emily Esfahani, The Power Of Meaning

A colective mindset is taking over the room that the daily routine is leaving aside, for which a purpose is growing around campus. Art is becoming more essential than ever before if we were to keep building a community of change-makers, these are the leaders of the future.

Our new premises in Madrid -The Tower- are going through an exciting developement to which IEU Arts Club contributes already. Not only they bring joy and the creative atom every week, they are also significantly participating in IE Creativity Day 2022.

In the format of interactive workshop, the group will gather to form a collection of portrays from the participants. The atomic factor is not just on the fact of making portraits, but on the process through which every participant will intervene everybody else's portrait.

Engaging, thought-provoking and extremely fulfilling, this is one of the must-activities programmed for The Tower.

Creativity is coming!

6 Spots Left
Wed, Mar 16, 2022
12:00 PM – 9:00 PM
Private Location (sign in to display)
Volunteers IE Creativity Day 2022

....BE the change. 

16th March, 12h-21h, actions in IE Campus Segovia, IE Tower, core event at IE Creativity Center Segovia. 

This edition's theme will surely be a turning point, would you like to give us a hand in delivering such key message?

Mind the Balance (by means of):

- Belonging is the feeling of being valued for who you are & the relationships you treasure with others

- Purpose is what guides your life, what makes it worth sharing with others within a community

- Storytelling is a coherent story of ourselves: we are the authors of our days, and every day, we are able to rewrite and interpret our story the way we decide   

- Transcendence encompasses the moments we feel above the mundane - something sublime, captivating, often also collective in nature

20 Spots Left
Wed, Mar 16, 2022
12:00 PM – 7:00 PM
Private Location (sign in to display)
Four Drinks: The Four Pillars

- Belonging is the feeling of being valued for who you are & the relationships you treasure with others

- Purpose is what guides your life, what makes it worth sharing with others within a community

- Storytelling is a coherent story of ourselves: we are the authors of our days, and every day, we are able to rewrite and interpret our story the way we choose   

- Transcendence encompasses the moments we feel above the mundane - something sublime, captivating, often also collective in nature

Would you like to discover one drink per pillar?  In collaboration with Segovia Tourism Office, four Segovia-based referent providers will present their IE Creativity Day drink.

First comes-first serves fashion, then pop by IE Creativity Day 2022!

12h-15h first time slot
16h-19h second time slot 

Wed, Mar 16, 2022
12:00 PM – 7:00 PM
Private Location (sign in to display)
Four Tapas: The Four Pillars

- Belonging is the feeling of being valued for who you are & the relationships you treasure with others

- Purpose is what guides your life, what makes it worth sharing with others within a community

- Storytelling is a coherent story of ourselves: we are the authors of our days, and every day, we are able to rewrite and interpret our story the way we choose

- Transcendence encompasses the moments we feel above the mundane - something sublime, captivating, often also collective in nature

Would you like to discover one tapa per pillar? Eight Segovia-based referent restaurants will present their IE Creativity Day tapa.

First comes-first serves fashion, then pop by IE Creativity Day 2022!

12h-15h first time slot
16h-19h second time slot

Wed, Mar 16, 2022
12:00 PM – 8:00 PM
Private Location (sign in to display)
Community, Environment & Purpose: Bikes Project Raffle

Lead by The Stork.

Community, environment and purpose

In our increasingly complex world, it is only natural that we want to find people and places
that feel like home. We want to understand and develop our potential and build powerful
relationships, which ultimately will lead us to finding a purpose.

The Creativity Center in Segovia, in collaboration with The Stork, is offering to reinstate a
simple and reward-based bicycle system, to ride to and from campus to the Center. Our
purpose: enabling IE students to reinforce their sense of community in a historical building
surrounded by nature and birdsong; to serve as a means for students to self-transcend and
connect with an ever-growing humanistic community.

To further inspire students and faculty to use the service, we will do a raffle offering a number
of vouchers that can be used in local businesses in and around Segovia.

​​​​​​​Wanna ride? :)

Waiting List
Wed, Mar 16, 2022
12:00 PM – 8:00 PM
Private Location (sign in to display)
VR Into Transcendence

VR happening available all day 12h-20h of IE Creativity Day 2022 on 16th March, at IE Creativity Center Segovia.

Participants will be able to enter transcendence, reflect upon the main four pillars for a meaningful life, and enjoy a unique event!

Come along, NO need of registering but you better not miss out.....

Wed, Mar 16, 2022
12:30 PM – 2:30 PM
Private Location (sign in to display)
Purpose-Driven Imagination: Alberto Barreiro Opening Change

"You never change things by fighting against the existing reality. To change something, you build a new model that makes the existing one obsolete"

Buckminster Fuller

The future is no longer what it was and today we know that it is possible to tame chance and that a cause can have multiple effects and vice versa. A volatility that feeds the urgent suspicion that a new order is possible.

It is enough to design it instead of planning for risk, this builds alternative futures. To do so, we need only understand the world around us, the challenges that arise. 

For Alberto Barreiro, the world needs to rethink its growth models. From the knowledge and experience accumulated in two decades of analysis and proposals that bring value to companies, this designer of futures believes that the world is lacking meaning.

"My job is to understand what the challenges are, to declare the intention of transformation to improve the relevance and positive impact that all our actions have. This is what I call transformation. In fact, it's a radical shift from imposing our will on the world to building a meaningful relationship with the world. It is about creating a new model that is not the psychopathic model, but one between people. To create links, interdependence, between us and the world. We have to change the language, think less about results and more about positive consequences".

Alberto Barreiro develops strategies, narratives and identities capable of transforming companies into agents of positive change. His tool is data. He interprets them, crosses them, validates them and translates them into a language accessible to the machine, an artificial intelligence device that can perform millions of operations in a potentially unlimited and tendentially simultaneous way, but is incapable of knowing why it does so, has no self-awareness and cannot discern between moral and ethical concepts.

Alberto Barreiro is coming to Segovia to lead an inspiring collective exercise on how to become agents of change and create your own future opening IE Creativity Day 2022: your next change is right here, in your hands.

28 Spots Left
Wed, Mar 16, 2022
1:00 PM – 3:00 PM
Private Location (sign in to display)
Visual Storytelling: A Lab of The Blissbean Ft Louis Hearn

Louis Hearn is a multi-faceted professional with extensive career in theatre, film production, acting and photography; The BlissBean happens to be one of the most relevant influencers within IE!

Will you really miss this perfect fit of masterclass, influencer tips and fun?!

Develop the skills of visual storytelling for use in personal social media, product marketing, and brand storytelling.

The objective of the workshop is to take a personal story and use storytelling tools to transform it into a production-ready short screenplay.

We happily suspect that this generation is more interested in digital media yet need to learn how to tell a story. Hence this is a workshop on creating a short film script based on a real-life experience. The content & the purpose of self-reflection will take participants into not only developing a type of presentation for their personal interest in TikTok, IG, etc, ... but a skill that they would be interested in on a career level.

Wed, Mar 16, 2022
4:00 PM – 6:00 PM
Private Location (sign in to display)
Junk food solves no problems! Cooking Sushi Workshop

"In our connected/disconnected age, it is more necessary than ever to actively seek out social groups and strive to cultivate those relationships as many traditional forms of community are disappearing. 

Our lives make us leave our cities behind, go out and see the world and have experiences, but our frenetic, nomadic lives make it increasingly difficult to integrate into local groups. "

(Emily Esfahani, The Power Of Meaning)

How about we use cooking as an avenue to get to know one another, learn cooking tips for a healthier life and enjoy meeting other people?
Led by IE university's hospitality service -the cooks of Cafetería-, this is a great opportunity to put a face to all those who take daily care of what we eat!

Waiting List
Wed, Mar 16, 2022
4:00 PM – 5:30 PM
Private Location (sign in to display)
Build Your Story: Storytelling Workshop with Jorge F. Hernández

Our impulse to tell stories arises from a deep-seated need that all human beings have: the need to make sense of the world.

We have a primal desire to impose order on disorder, to find a signal amidst the noise. We see faces in the clouds, hear footsteps in the rustle of leaves and detect conspiracies in unconnected events.

11 Spots Left
Wed, Mar 16, 2022
4:00 PM – 6:00 PM
Private Location (sign in to display)
Dumplings ain´t Empanadillas: IEU Asia Club Cooking Workshop

"In our connected/disconnected age, it is more necessary than ever to actively seek out social groups and strive to cultivate those relationships as many traditional forms of community are disappearing. 

Our lives make us leave our cities behind, go out and see the world and have experiences, but our frenetic, nomadic lives make it increasingly difficult to integrate into local groups. "

(Emily Esfahani, The Power Of Meaning)

How about we use cooking as an avenue to get to know one another, learn cooking tips for a healthier life and enjoy meeting other people?

Led by IEU Asia Club, and intending to involve IEU Cleaning Service, this is a great opportunity to put a face to all those who take daily care of us!

Waiting List
Wed, Mar 16, 2022
4:00 PM – 6:00 PM
Private Location (sign in to display)
Emotion In Motion

Emotions are part of our being, and most of the decisions we make are based on an emotional rather than a rational component.
We all experience emotions, and they have an adaptive function in our lives.

Difficulties arise when we do not express them, giving rise to various somatic problems, or we do so in a way that is unhealthy for us or our environment.

In this interactive and participatory workshop you will not only learn emotional discharge techniques that you will be able to apply and adapt to different personal situations, but you will also have the opportunity to practice them live, instantly verifying their benefits in a safe and secure environment.

2 Spots Left
Wed, Mar 16, 2022
5:00 PM – 8:00 PM
Private Location (sign in to display)
Portray Your Storytelling: Painting Interactive Lab

Over time, as a result of various studies, specialists began to examine and affirm the vital importance of attachment in the stages of life. They discovered that people, both young and old, needed more than food and shelter to live fully.

Emily Esfahani, The Power Of Meaning

A colective mindset is taking over the room that the daily routine is leaving aside, for which a purpose is growing around campus. Art is becoming more essential than ever before if we were to keep building a community of change-makers, these are the leaders of the future.

In the format of interactive workshop, the group will gather to form a collection of portrays from the participants. The atomic factor is not just on the fact of making portraits, but on the process through which every participant will intervene everybody else's portrait.

Engaging, thought-provoking and extremely fulfilling, this is one of the must-activities programmed for IE Creativity Center Segovia headquarters.

Creativity is coming!

5 Spots Left
Wed, Mar 16, 2022
6:15 PM – 8:30 PM
Private Location (sign in to display)
Be Your Own Master Lab. Session 4, Primal Dance Creativity in Motion

Be Your Own Master Lab
IE Creativity Day
In collaboration with
Centre for Health, Wellbeing and Happiness

Come regardless of your agenda.

Ideally, you better join all the sessions BUT you can come anytime of course!

Second session was Tuesday 8th March 7-9pm; next session Tuesday 15th March 7-9pm


IE is not just a University, it is a worldwide referent of training the leaders of the future. In essence, leaders are not solely knowledge about the environment they are part of, they also need to interact with people as much as living with themselves.

Personal fulfillment then is intrinsically related to leadership, as though a CEO of a company not performing satisfactorily or not finding the meaning of life because of social anxiety or existential crisis.

Matter-fact, developing processes that pay attention to deeper ways of understanding human condition has become unavoidable if we were to keep offering resources to guarantee guidance throughout the entire student experience.


Six-sessions lab to challenge what makes you not progressing, being this stress about facing exams, homesickness or a recent loss.

Six face-to-face sessions structured in dynamic and interactive workshops of two hours where a professional in the science of the mind and mental states will guide you through becoming your own master.

Interactive, thought-provoking, private and extremely effective, you will be part of a small group that aims not only reinforcing your individual abilities but your virtues when working in groups too.


Whether we aim achieving a consistent change that lasts, it ought to align all levels in the individuals so that they attain homeostasis -this is being in balance, achieving coherence with ourselves- matter-fact leaving inner struggles behind.
Distress caused by loss, affliction, disappointment, etc. blocks the individual while prevents us from moving forward freely. Facing distress is something we can all benefit from.

Grieving process is an interactive approach. First, we have to acknowledge the conflict we want to get rid of -not necessarily negative-. Then, using our body, we allow ourselves to express the emotions attached to that conflict.

By resolving grief, we are releasing blockages from the past, placing ourselves in the present hence being able to look forward to the future. We close in order to open. We welcome new experiences out of personal choice and enjoyment.


This will be structured in few mini workshop/lab that will go through important pillars like belonging, purpose, storytelling and transcendence.


The focus is on building a safe environment where students will be likely to express themselves without judgment, welcomed as they genuinely are and so able to connect with who they are. Getting to know one another and the group.

Session 2: AWARENESS
We will explore what prevent us from achieving what we aim for (being these next exams, becoming part of a community or homesickness), what tights us to the past, what makes us not progressing. A cognitive approach will be developed as an avenue to form bonds and understanding burdens.

Session 3: BE THE STORM

We will give students in an experiential and corporal way, different tools and resources to both manage and express emotions in a healthy way, to uncover circumstances that may have blocked them recently.


Through movement and music, we will explore our capabilities, releasing blockages and focusing on our creative intelligence as a way of connecting to our inner selves and the world.

12 Spots Left
Wed, Mar 16, 2022
7:00 PM – 8:00 PM
Private Location (sign in to display)
Music is Purpose, Jam is Belonging: Live Gig SegoJazz-IEU Music Club

Henry Wadsworth Longfellow declared music to be the universal language of mankind, and he was absolutely right about the very nature of this essential art form. We might not always understand each other, regardless of our language or background… Nonetheless, when it comes to music, potential culture barriers are left behind leaving room to mutual understanding, sense of belonging and a clear purpose unifying all individuals on stage.

All in all, the participation in last year’s #SegoJazz21 was the epitome of dialogue between our university and the city: a very diverse body of individuals matching with a pretty established local environment beyond language.

This collaboration represented an absolute discovery for the audience who yearly attends the festival. Not by chance, the standard of participating musicians is high so we could not be prouder of our students...

.....that is why we are bringing that gig to IE Creativity Day 2022!

23 Spots Left
Wed, Mar 16, 2022
8:00 PM – 8:30 PM
Private Location (sign in to display)
High Quality Connections: Dance Show

“This world is the dance of the creator. When dancing, I feel touched by something sacred. My spirit soars and becomes one with everything that exists”⁣

(Michael Jackson)

In the @ieuniversity ‘s universe of diversity and inclusion, we all are one of a kind when starting our journey in the institution. Then gradually, as though being in our primary natural environment, we happen to become one of us.

The magic of fields like dancing lies in the power it has to facilitate a feeling of community beyond language, background or even consciousness -each body bespeaks their uniqueness to matter-fact fuse with the group. In addition, it lightens up the daily challenges and enhances academic responsibilities.

1 performance by IEU Music Club Segovia (approximately 4 minutes) that is constituted of 2 choreographies and 2 different songs. The songs were chosen according to Creativity Day theme and will be performed with the energy of a very bonded group.

Wed, Mar 16, 2022
8:30 PM – 9:30 PM
Private Location (sign in to display)
Songs that Changed Our Life: Closing Gig

IEU Music Club wanted to take the themes of storytelling, purpose and transcendence in order to allow musicians to tell their own story through music, and show the moments that truly made them feel transcendent.

They would therefore share these stories with the audience, hopefully making them feel something similar to what we feel when we hear these songs.

Will you miss it?¿

2 Spots Left
Tue, Mar 15, 2022
12:00 PM – 2:00 PM
Private Location (sign in to display)
Cyanotype or the Art of Science: Photo Workshop with Juan Ferrete

"Just as new scientific discoveries have brought us back to the wisdom of the humanities, the mindset of infusing meaning into everything we do are the lessons I learned from ancient cultures and practices when I was a young girl"
Emily Esfahani, The Power Of Meaning

Workshop of introduction to cyanotype on different supports (book pages, canvas...) and color shifts: the magical intertwining of Science and Art.

The photograms are obtained by exposing them to light on photosensitive paper and then developing and fixing the image with the corresponding chemicals, and fixing the image with the corresponding chemicals.

The whole process is carried out in a darkroom illuminated with red light, obtaining impressive results, where the contrast of blacks and whites contrast takes center stage.

Juan Ferrete is Industrial engineer, teacher, entrepreneur, writer and visual artist, he is an extraordinary individual you ought meeting whether you aim giving meaning to your life.

5 Spots Left
Tue, Mar 15, 2022
7:00 PM – 9:00 PM
Private Location (sign in to display)
Be Your Own Master Lab: Session 3 Be The Storm

Be Your Own Master Lab
IE Creativity Day
In collaboration with
Centre for Health, Wellbeing and Happiness

Come regardless of your agenda.

Ideally, you better join all the sessions BUT you can come anytime of course!

Second session was Tuesday 8th March 7-9pm; next session Tuesday 15th March 7-9pm


IE is not just a University, it is a worldwide referent of training the leaders of the future. In essence, leaders are not solely knowledge about the environment they are part of, they also need to interact with people as much as living with themselves.

Personal fulfillment then is intrinsically related to leadership, as though a CEO of a company not performing satisfactorily or not finding the meaning of life because of social anxiety or existential crisis.

Matter-fact, developing processes that pay attention to deeper ways of understanding human condition has become unavoidable if we were to keep offering resources to guarantee guidance throughout the entire student experience.


Six-sessions lab to challenge what makes you not progressing, being this stress about facing exams, homesickness or a recent loss.

Six face-to-face sessions structured in dynamic and interactive workshops of two hours where a professional in the science of the mind and mental states will guide you through becoming your own master.

Interactive, thought-provoking, private and extremely effective, you will be part of a small group that aims not only reinforcing your individual abilities but your virtues when working in groups too.


Whether we aim achieving a consistent change that lasts, it ought to align all levels in the individuals so that they attain homeostasis -this is being in balance, achieving coherence with ourselves- matter-fact leaving inner struggles behind.
Distress caused by loss, affliction, disappointment, etc. blocks the individual while prevents us from moving forward freely. Facing distress is something we can all benefit from.

Grieving process is an interactive approach. First, we have to acknowledge the conflict we want to get rid of -not necessarily negative-. Then, using our body, we allow ourselves to express the emotions attached to that conflict.

By resolving grief, we are releasing blockages from the past, placing ourselves in the present hence being able to look forward to the future. We close in order to open. We welcome new experiences out of personal choice and enjoyment.


This will be structured in few mini workshop/lab that will go through important pillars like belonging, purpose, storytelling and transcendence.


The focus is on building a safe environment where students will be likely to express themselves without judgment, welcomed as they genuinely are and so able to connect with who they are. Getting to know one another and the group.

Session 2: AWARENESS
We will explore what prevent us from achieving what we aim for (being these next exams, becoming part of a community or homesickness), what tights us to the past, what makes us not progressing. A cognitive approach will be developed as an avenue to form bonds and understanding burdens.

Session 3: BE THE STORM

We will give students in an experiential and corporal way, different tools and resources to both manage and express emotions in a healthy way, to uncover circumstances that may have blocked them recently.

10 Spots Left
Tue, Mar 08, 2022
7:00 PM – 9:00 PM
Private Location (sign in to display)
Be Your Own Master Lab: Session on Awareness

Be Your Own Master Lab
IE Creativity Day
In collaboration with
Centre for Health, Wellbeing and Happiness

Come regardless of having joined 1st session or not.
First session was Tuesday 1st March 6pm; next session Tuesday 8th March 7-9pm


The focus is on building a safe environment where students will be likely to express themselves without judgment, welcomed as they genuinely are and so able to connect with who they are. Getting to know one another and the group.

Session 2: AWARENESS

We will explore what prevent us from achieving what we aim for (being these next exams, becoming part of a community or homesickness), what tights us to the past, what makes us not progressing. A cognitive approach will be developed as an avenue to form bonds and understanding burdens.


IE is not just a University, it is a worldwide referent of training the leaders of the future. In essence, leaders are not solely knowledge about the environment they are part of, they also need to interact with people as much as living with themselves.

Personal fulfillment then is intrinsically related to leadership, as though a CEO of a company not performing satisfactorily or not finding the meaning of life because of social anxiety or existential crisis.

Matter-fact, developing processes that pay attention to deeper ways of understanding human condition has become unavoidable if we were to keep offering resources to guarantee guidance throughout the entire student experience.


Challenge what makes you not progressing, being this stress about facing exams, homesickness or a recent loss.

Six face-to-face sessions structured in dynamic and interactive workshops of two hours where a professional in the science of the mind and mental states will guide you through becoming your own master.

Interactive, thought-provoking, private and extremely effective, you will be part of a small group that aims not only reinforcing your individual abilities but your virtues when working in groups too.


Whether we aim achieving a consistent change that lasts, it ought to align all levels in the individuals so that they attain homeostasis -this is being in balance, achieving coherence with ourselves- matter-fact leaving inner struggles behind.
Distress caused by loss, affliction, disappointment, etc. blocks the individual while prevents us from moving forward freely. Facing distress is something we can all benefit from.

Grieving process is an interactive approach. First, we have to acknowledge the conflict we want to get rid of -not necessarily negative-. Then, using our body, we allow ourselves to express the emotions attached to that conflict.

By resolving grief, we are releasing blockages from the past, placing ourselves in the present hence being able to look forward to the future. We close in order to open. We welcome new experiences out of personal choice and enjoyment.


Individual workshop in wider lab that will go through important pillars like belonging, purpose, storytelling and transcendence.

This proposal connects inner self with the outer world.


The professional leading the course knows firsthand the benefits of its results, both in plural audiences and in herself after overcoming significant challenges.

After studying psychology, she lived in several countries and abandoned the profession for many years, without really understanding why, she just knew there was something that stop her from connecting.

Only after facing her challenges out of these processes, she allowed herself to express rage, fear and sadness to ultimately reconciled with her profession -a turning point in both her personal and professional development.

4 Spots Left
Tue, Mar 01, 2022
6:00 PM – 8:00 PM
Segovia's Creativity Center, IE Creativity Center
Be Your Own Master Lab

Come regardless of your agenda. Ideally, you better join all the sessions BUT you can come anytime of course!

First session Tuesday 1st March 6pm; consecutive ones to be agreed between you all and the professional leading the Lab. 


IE is not just a University, it is a worldwide referent of training the leaders of the future. In essence, leaders are not solely knowledge about the environment they are part of, they also need to interact with people as much as living with themselves. 

Personal fulfillment then is intrinsically related to leadership, as though a CEO of a company not performing satisfactorily or not finding the meaning of life because of social anxiety or existential crisis. 

Matter-fact, developing processes that pay attention to deeper ways of understanding human condition has became unavoidable if we were to keep offering resources to guarantee guidance throughout the entire student experience. 


Six-sessions lab to challenge what makes you not progressing, being this stress about facing exams, homesickness or a recent loss. 

Six face-to-face sessions structured in dynamic and interactive workshops of two hours where a professional in the science of the mind and mental states will guide you through becoming your own master. 

Interactive, thought-provoking, private and extremely effective, you will be part of a small group that aims not only reinforcing your individual abilities but your virtues when working in groups too.


Whether we aim achieving a consistent change that lasts, it ought to align all levels in the individuals so that they attain homeostasis -this is being in balance, achieving coherence with ourselves- matter-fact leaving inner struggles behind.

Distress caused by loss, affliction, disappointment, etc. blocks the individual while prevents us from moving forward freely. Facing distress is something we can all benefit from.

Grieving process is an interactive approach. First, we have to acknowledge the conflict we want to get rid of -not necessarily negative-. Then, using our body, we allow ourselves to express the emotions attached to that conflict.

By resolving grief, we are releasing blockages from the past, placing ourselves in the present hence being able to look forward to the future. We close in order to open. We welcome new experiences out of personal choice and enjoyment.


This will be structured in few mini workshop/lab that will go through important pillars like belonging, purpose, storytelling and transcendence. 

We will build a safe environment where students will be able to express themselves without judgment, welcomed as they genuinely are and so not emotionally jeopardized. 

This guarantees quality connections with the professional leading the Lab as much as with the aprticipants as to find our true Self -the first step to find purpose. Spotting individual abilities consequently delivers greater satisfaction, meaning and wellbeing.

We will work on narrative identity, creative intelligence and primal dancing to make participants aware of their conflict and embrace change.  

This proposal connects inner self with the outer world. 


The professional leading the course knows firsthand the benefits of its results, both in plural audiences and in herself after overcoming significant challenges.

After studying psychology, she lived in several countries and abandoned the profession for many years, without really understanding why, she just knew there was something that stop her from connecting.

Only after facing her challenges out of these processes, she allowed herself to express rage, fear and sadness to ultimately reconciled with her profession -a turning point in both her personal and professional development.

3 Spots Left

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