E: ieustudentgovernment@ie.edu
IEU Student Government
Calle María de Molina, 11
Madrid 28006
Want to speak to us in person?
SG Walk-In Sessions: We have regular sessions scheduled on both undergraduate campuses where you can speak to our officers face-to-face. The first 'Walk-In Session' of the academic year is scheduled for September 26th. Keep an eye on our communication channels to find out more!
SG Townhall: We are also incredibly excited to host the first ever Student Government Townhall at IE, and invite you to join us on September 21st, IE Day!
Share your feedback about any part of IE
Feedback Form: We have divided this form by department to be as constructive as possible. Feel free to fill it out as many times as needed for your feedback points. We want to hear from you and will communicate the feedback to each of the departments on a regular basis.
E: ieustudentgovernment@ie.edu
IEU Student Government
Calle María de Molina, 11
Madrid 28006