In this section, you will find answers to the FAQs about SG. If this list does not answer your query, you can head to the Suggestions & Concerns section, where you will be able to ask us a question directly and/or put forward any issues or suggestions you would like to share with the team. We are here to help you!
The purview of SG is split across two channels: lobbying the university to pursue new and refine existing policies to be most beneficial for our students, and organizing initiatives that promote the values of the Student Government.
Student government is a democratic body. Candidates who would like to create their own student government can run for elections every spring. Those who would like to join a committee within student government, that is, one of its different internal departments (i.e diversity, equity & inclusion or academics), can apply to the selection process when vacancies are posted to the student government newsletter or socials.
As a student government we are striving to fix this issue as much as possible by internally producing reports on IE’s performance in different areas as well as analysing the successes and weaknesses of our policies. From the launch of the SG website onwards these reports and surveys/polls will be posted in the Resources tab under the Research & Reports section.
The SG budget is prepared and negotiated yearly for the plans and needs outlined in advance. We do not make space for such initiatives, and firmly believe that the university is to make space for budgetary needs through its other student-facing departments. Student clubs are entitled to some funding yearly and students are encouraged to propose collaborations with clubs, departments or projects as they wish.
Graduations are entirely taken care of by the university administration. We do not take care of the planning, but are happy to relay feedback to the Graduation Team or otherwise.
SG does not plan or create night-life events, such as events in night clubs or at festivals. We can on limited occasions collaborate with student clubs that engage in such activities. We can re-post night-life events that are prepare by members of our community when requested.
There are two dimensions.
1. You can run for Student Government with a team in the annual elections. Winning the vote will allow you to become a Student Government Officer. The elections take place in March, and you will be able to submit your candidacy to the Academics Office via email once alerted to the opening of submissions.
2. You can join as a committee member within the Student Government, by applying to work under the committees under one of the officers. Your job will be to support officers in their tasks to ensure the wheels keep turning. Applications usually open in May.
Alternatively, you can run for class representative for your section. This usually happens in September / October.
If you would just like to participate without the responsibility that comes with a title, you are always welcome to offer suggestions through our various channels, and are invited to participate in our numerous activities and initiatives throughout the year.
Class representatives are members of student parliament in that they are advocates for their classes. They also have a responsibility to collaborate with Student Government on matters beyond their class’ needs.
Provided certain standard expectations are met (e.g., being in line with our communities values of inclusivity and respect, etc.) we can share your initiative with the community in our channels. We however reserve the right to choose not to do so.
Contact Campus Life via email or Instagram with your request for the procedure, and they will let you know the details. Part of the steps will include specifications regarding a written application and the collection of student’s signatures.