VENTURE LAB: IE Students & Alumni

*Non-IMBA Students

IE General Venture Lab for IE (Non-IMBA) Students & Alumni: Dates & Info

Acceptance into IE's Venture Lab is highly selective. We're looking for the most committed and diverse teams, as well as the most innovative ideas and business models.

The information below is ONLY for IE Students not in the IMBA program, recent Alumni (graduated in the last 6 months), and Exchange Students.

Venture Lab Fall 2024 Information

Crucial Dates for Fall 2024 (September - November 2024)

  • Fall ’24 Applications Open: EXTENDED to mid-September!
  • Applications Close: August 30, 2024
  • Acceptance Decisions via email by: September 2024
  • Venture Lab Begins: Mid-September 2024
  • Venture Lab Semi-Finals: Week of November 25th, 2024
  • Announcement of Venture Day Madrid Finalists: First week of December 2024
  • Venture Day Madrid: DECEMBER 12, 2024

Venture Lab Spring 2025 Information


for Fall 2024!

    Frequently Asked Questions

    What are the dates for the next Venture Lab?

    Our next incubator intake is from APRIL - JUNE 2024 and culminates with Venture Day in JULY 11th, 2024.

    What are the eligibility requirements to apply to the Venture Lab?

    Teams must consist of at least 2 co-founders, no more than 4 team members, and 1 co-founder a currenty IE student or recent Alumni (less than 6 months after graduation).

    Individuals can only participate in one Venture Lab application, i.e. individuals can neither submit more than one startup-idea application (as team leader), nor can they be team members on more than one Venture Lab application (simultaneously in a single round).

    What are the selection criteria on which acceptance decisions are based?

    The Selection process will consist of Committee Reviews of the applications, based on the Selection Criteria. Acceptance decisions will be announced via email.

    The 3 main selection criteria are:


    We seek applications from dynamic teams who put forth innovative (novel, extraordinary, revolutionary) ideas, solutions and business models; preferably those that incorporate emerging technologies into their solutions (products/services) and/or business models.


    We seek applications for proposals that are scalable and potentially attractive for angel investors and venture capitalists.


    We seek applications from innovative teams who are passionate about solving the problem they’ve identified and absolutely committed to executing a prototype of their scalable solution during Venture Lab and who are committed to working on their projects full-time and turning them into launched startups upon graduation.

    Do MIM and MBD Students get credit for Venture Lab?

    MIM students and MBD are offered the option to take Venture Lab for credit. You should apply for that version as part of your program. Speak with your program management team for more information and application dates if you wish to participate in Venture Lab for credit.

    This version, relating to the infomation and application here, is not for credit. The advantages of no credit are that you are able to include team members who are not IE students and there are no required deliverables.

    Are Classes and Workshops in person or online?

    The classes are offered in person and online in the afternoons.

    All sessions are recorded in case you have a scheduling conflict with your other classes and for those that are located in other time zones (part-time/online programs and non-IE co-fouders)

    In what language are the Venture Lab sessions conducted?

    Venture Lab sessions are conducted in English. You may also conduct your semi-finals pitch in Spanish, but please know that if you are selected to pitch as a finalist or a semi-finalist at Venture Day then those pitches must be in English.

    Can I fill out the application in Spanish?

    Yes, applications for Venture Lab can be filled out in either Spanish or English.

    Is there a minimum and a maximum amount of people who can be on a team?

    Yes, you must have at least 2 co-founder on a team and you can have a maximum of 4 team members. At least 1 co-founder must be from IE (current student or recent graduate).

    Can I apply with more than one project/startup idea?

    No, you may not. Individuals cannot be listed as team members on more than one application.

    Does IE expect or require any equity in the startups accelerated in Venture Lab?

    No, absolutely not. We do, however, reserve the right to brag about your success.

    I’ve heard that only app startups are accepted into Venture Lab, is that true?

    No, this is not true. Venture Lab is aimed at startup ideas that are innovative and scalable.
    Therefore, we are looking for dynamic ventures that provide scalable solutions to big enough problems/markets that they can grow dramatically and be attractive to investors.