Psychological Advice & Resources

The human psyche is incredibly complex and is not fully understood. However, it permeates every aspect of our lives since the day we are born. It is our individual responsibility to educate ourselves about the basic concepts and inner workings of our emotions and thoughts so that we understand better how we navigate our daily challenges.

The following resources have been carefully curated by My Well-being to showcase mental health topics that our community at IE will find informative, useful, and relevant

Transition to University Life



Pressure to Be Perfect
A downloadable toolkit with ideas and suggestions about the DOs and DON'Ts on Instagram

Life Events



Grief: When Someone We Love Has Died

The death of a loved one is pretty much the saddest thing that can befall us. Here are a set of the School of Life's darkest but most consoling thoughts on death.


Emotions 101



Emotions – Basic Concepts

A short story about emotions (education psychology health animation). You might discover something new about your own emotions along the way.

5 Terms to Help You Manage Your Mental Health

The team at HBR put together this list of five terms, along with what they mean and tips on how to put them into action.
*Getty Images/Antonio Solano




For more resources, check out our Self-Regulation section.


Normal Anxiety vs Anxiety Disorder

A video by Dr. Jen Gunter that lays out the main differences between normal anxiety versus an anxiety disorder.

How to Cope with Panic Attacks

An animated video by The School of Life explaining what panic attacks are and how to best cope with them.





What Is Depression?

A metaphorical take by the WHO to understand clinical depression.



Sleep Disorders


For more resources, check out the section on Sleep & Recovery!


Tips to Fall Asleep Faster

By Dr. Shelby Harris from Headspace.


10-Minute Sleepcast for Deep Sleep

A 10-Minute sleepcast for deep sleep by Headspace

Headspace Guide to Sleep – Official Trailer

The official trailer to Headspace’s Netflix series.





How Addiction Happens

Learn how substance misuse and dependence work among young adults. Continuous consumption of drugs may have lasting effects on your life and being informed about the whys and hows of addiction is essential to make informed decisions.


Voices of Youth: Substance Use Vignettes

Watch real-life testimonies of adolescents and young adults talking about their relationship with substance misuse and dependence that illustrates common concerns in this age group. A video by the University of Michigan’s School of Medicine.


Alcohol Addiction

Learn what alcohol dependence and an eventual addiction mean, how it could have a negative and lasting impact on your life, and how you can reach out for help.


How do cigarettes affect the body?

Curious about how nicotine addiction works on your brain and the negative impact that smoking has on your health? Watch this illustrative video prepared by TED-Ed.






What Is ADHD?

A friendly introduction by How to ADHD about this neurocognitive disorder that affects about 4% of the global population.


ADHD in Women vs Men

Learn about the subtle and not-so-subtle differences in the manifestation of ADHD between women versus men, by How to ADHD.







How to Deal with Suicidal Thoughts

Dealing with suicidal thoughts is never easy, but there are ways to overcome them through self-care and professional help. An animated video by Psych2Go.






Mental Health is Health

Descriptions, real-life examples, and general advice about difficult emotions, behaviors, and situations put together by the MTV Entertainment Group and their mental health partners.


A self-administered screener* to identify symptoms in four different domains: depression, anxiety, eating disorders, and alcohol and substance misuse.

Note: Skip Step 2 “Find Your School.” You can still access the screener without this information.

* These self-tests are meant for information only. If you have any reason to be concerned, you should always consult a medical or mental health professional for medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment




Dealing with Difficult People

Interpersonal conflict is inevitable sometimes, but there are ways in which we can learn to deal with difficult people more effectively.

Love is Louder
Practical advice on specific actions to Stay Calm, Stay Active, and Stay Connected.


Seize the Awkward

Testimonials about mental and emotional health by celebrities who talk about the importance of sharing how you feel or making yourself available to friends in need


Support for a friend with specific difficulties

Recommendations about how to support a friend who is experiencing symptoms of mental health difficulties




Sexual Consent

Learn about sexual consent through a simple yet illustrative analogy that is easy to understand and explain to others around you.


Sexual Diversity

Sexuality is no longer defined as a binary concept. Sexual diversity is a rich and fluid continuum explored individually and whose expression is unique to each person.