Attention & Study Habits

Our human attention is a limited resource and by understanding the science of attention, we can increase our awareness and decide wisely which aspects of our environment to focus on – and what to ignore – in order to be productive. Increasing our awareness of the subconscious and repeated behaviors that form habits, and considering the emotional impact of such behaviors, can support intentional decision-making to set up healthy systems for concentration, engagement and satisfaction in our study habits and life.

High-Performance Attention for a More Meaningful Use of Your Time

This workshop provides students with knowledge and skills to boost their attention in an age of digital distraction, for better performance during and after their time at IE.

Our human attention is a limited resource and we have to decide wisely which aspects of our environment to focus on – and what to ignore – in order to be productive. This workshop will introduce findings from decades of research on attention to help students boost their attentional resources, inside and outside the lecture room.


  • Advanced Seminars (Bachelor's students) - Learn more
  • Well-being Extracurriculars (Master's students) - Learn more

On-Demand Sessions by IE Faculty

What Does It Mean To Be Digitally Well?

During this session we will talk about digital clutter, tech-life balance and boundaries, socially responsible email, intentional use of technology, among other topics, all of which have an impact on digital flourishing. What does it mean to be digitally well? It's much more than hiding the like count and temporarily deactivating your Instagram account once a year. Wait, you can actually do that?

Facilitator: Stephanie Reina, Adjunct Faculty at the Center for Health & Well-being

Movement Microbreaks

The best way to learn is to try! Get inspired by various types of micro-movements that can be adapted to your workday. Bonus: these breaks double as quick recovery and stress management sessions!

Facilitator: Jessica P. Cygan, Well-being & Performance Coach

The Science of Habit to Support Well-being

In this workshop, we explore what shapes our decisions and how we can leverage habit for better outcomes. We know that unproductive habits can settle in quickly and that perseverance and consistency in productive habits are challenging. Yet, productive habits are a skill set required of leaders, especially in these times of change and challenge.

Facilitator: Lisa Bevill, Academic Director at the Center for Health & Well-being


A Long-Term Home Office (& Home Study): A Selfcare Learning Curve

Although at the beginning of the pandemic, Home Office was introduced as a short-term solution, today many experts agree that, whether in a hybrid version or not, the Home Office is here to stay and is a New Way of Working (NWW). However, most workers have little or no guidance on how to prepare for the "tsunami of changes" that a Home Office brings in the long run. Their personal traits may (or may not) benefit to overcome these challenges. Absorbing these changes on top of our day-to-day responsibilities is a complicated “side task”: nobody taught us, we didn´t learn it at school, no company induction training....

What should Home Office workers look out for if they want to maintain their productivity and well-being in the long term? What are the challenges when it comes to a long-term Home Office?

Facilitator: Patrick de Jong, (Anti-) Stress Coach

Attention & Study Habits

This weekly workshop allows for a brief introduction on the science of attention and habit creation, with a especial focus on the students' journey and challenges. We hope you can benefit from it by learning skills to help you approach your studies and put systems into place to be your best.

Facilitator: Lisa Bevill, Academic Director at the Center for Health & Well-being

Time management - What can you do in a single minute

Management techniques to help you be aware, more than ever, that your time is the most precious and scarce resource you have. Remember that how you spend your time talks about who you are, your values, your priorities, your let's keep exploring together!

Facilitator: Paloma Sanz García, Mind & Executive Coach


Relationship with Technology

The Social Dilemma

Documentary on Netflix

The Psychological Tricks Keeping You Online

What is the price of your attention? This mini-series by BrainCraft, explores the psychology, design and impact of tech and social media on both ourselves and society.

Time Management & Prioritization

How to manage your time more effectively (according to machines)

Human beings and computers alike share the challenge of how to get as much done as possible in a limited time. Over the last fifty or so years, computer scientists have learned a lot of good strategies for managing time effectively — and they have a lot of experience with what can go wrong

If you only do one thing this week … avoid multitasking

Learn more about the "switching cost" – the time taken to switch from one task and refocus on another and why multitasking can be a destructive habits

The 9 BEST Scientific Study Tips

Great resource from the ASAP Science team: Mitchell Moffit (twitter @mitchellmoffit) and Gregory Brown (twitter @whalewatchmeplz).